We recruit, train, and deploy new tech talent to design and build projects for values-aligned organizations. 

Piʻikū Studios

Need web development services? Buy local. Our full-service agency brings together top local talent and emerging technologists to design and build the future.

The  Internship

Our 8-week internship program matches emerging designers with experienced mentors to solve real-world design challenges.

Arrow pointing right

The people of Hawai’i need access to more diversified, higher paying jobs. Tech jobs are great opportunities, but breaking into the tech sector is incredibly hard. We are bridging the gap.

Our programs bring together new talent, experienced mentors, and local businesses, producing high quality design and development projects, a more skilled technology workforce, and a stronger digital ecosystem, all right here at home.

Our vision for the future

  • Two people sitting at a table outside talk while sitting in front of their laptops

    A diversified local economy with a thriving tech sector.

  • A woman is giving a man a lei in front of an audience

    Tech products that represent our values.

  • A woman is tossing a smiling child in the air

    More locals staying home and building here.

Our partners and supporters















✴︎ Co-create ✴︎ Communicate ✴︎ Cooperate ✴︎ Collaborate ✴︎ Community * Congregate * Conspire