Piʻikū Co. Studios

Piʻikū Co. Studios

Work with a highly responsive, highly collaborative team, right here at home. Access top-level talent while building up the next generation of local technologists.

How our Partnership Works

  • Launch an MVP- Got an idea and want to see it come to life? We can design, build, and user-test your very first version.

    Improving - We can design and deploy new features, help you learn what’s working and not working for your users, audit your tools for accessibility or usability, and more.

    Maintaining - Keep a team on retainer for whenever you need new designs, a quick change, or other needs arise.

    Project Scoping - Have an idea for a project and wondering what it would take to get it done? We can help you figure out the size, cost, and team you’d need, whether or not you end up using our agency to execute.

    You name it! We can handle it all.

  • True Partnership - Our technologists aren’t just an offshore team taking orders; they're rooted in our Hawaii'ian cultural values, they understand and care about you, your market, and your success.

    By choosing to work with our studio, you'll have a direct impact on building a strong tech sector here in Hawai'i.

  • Cross Functional - Designers, product managers, project managers, front and back end web development - everyone you need, all in one place.

  • Just starting out or running a small community project? We want to work with you to create a project that fits your budget.

An unconventional model.

1-Year Fellowship

We recognized the gap between college/boot camp graduates who have the credentials but struggle to get their 1st job. So we solved our own chicken and egg problem - we provide our Internship graduate with a 1-year fellowship in our studio.

Mentorship Model

We believe in the value of mentorship, so we implement it in all of our programs - including the studio. Juniors learn firsthand what it’s like to collaborate with clients and fellow team members and bring value to real clients.

Keep Hawai’i Local

We're committed to supporting local companies in accessing local services and keeping business within our community and our economy.

Let's create together


Let's create together ✴︎